Health and Microbiology

Health and Microbiology

What is the common denominator of chronic disease today in the industrialized nations? What is our current understanding of immunology based on? Can we get healthier by social distancing? How much does our biology depend on touch, connection and communication?

Zach Bush MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems. Dr Zach founded *Seraphic Group and the non-profit Farmer’s Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health.  His passion for education reaches across many disciplines, including topics such as the role of soil and water ecosystems in human genomics, immunity, and gut/brain health.  His education has highlighted the need for a radical departure from chemical farming and pharmacy, and his ongoing efforts are providing a path for consumers, farmers, and mega-industries to work together for a healthy future for people and planet.

  • What’s the status of our health in the west right now and where are we going?
  • What is the most common denominator of all modern diseases?
    • Inflammation, Immune system, gut
  • How did chronic diseases develope in the past 100 years and what do they correlate with?
  • What’s the connection between the soil and the gut?
  • Why is the gut so vulnerable?
  • What does glyphosate to the gut?
  • What’s the status of our soil? (dust bowl)
  • How did we get to a chemical based agriculture?
  • Do we need GMO and glyphosate to feed the world?
  • Why seems everybody to be contaminated with glyphosate?  
    • more than 99% of Glyphosat goes into the ground, the water and the rain
  • How is fertility going today?
  • How long is our disease management system (health care) going to work?
  • How is the rest of the world doing, compared to the western and industrialized nations?
  • What can we do about all this?
  • What is restore4life?
  • Do we rely on a different technology or does the change has to come from within?
  • Could doomsday be a beginning of a new era?
  • Where can we find you?


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Oxaltes are compunds found in many plants that can contribute to a lot oh health issues. Elliot Overton talks extensively about the various mechanistic pathways they tak, which issues they can cause and what to do about them.


  • What are OL?
  • How toxic are OL?
  • We’ve been educated in the past 20 years or so, that plants are the epiphany of health. If we only ate enough of it, perfect health would follow. Did that promise became true?
  • What can they do in the body?
  • Which foods contain the highest amounts of oxalates?
    • Chocolate, Rhubarb, Kiwi, Turmeric, Celery, Potatoes, Spinach, Almonds, Beetroots, Blackberries, Peanuts, Glutenfree grains
    • Why do lists differ so much and where can we find a reliable list?
  • A lot of the health food seems to be loaded with OL. Might that be a reason that some of us have such a hard time to get better, by treating us sick?
  • Anthony William
  • Do we detox OL? How can we get rid of the OL in our bodies?
  • Why and how do things like Vitamin C and Glycin converted into Oxalates?
  • How can we get rid of oxalates in the food?
  • Are OL a problem for everybody or only certain people?
  • What does science say about OL?
  • Community questions
  • Where can we find you?

CDB Öl sorgt für aktive Erholung im Körper. Ich setze es auch gerne ein um besser zu schlafen.

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The carnivore diet

The carnivore diet

Eating only meat. Could this be a serious approach to human nutrition? Are you not going to get goat, cancer or a heart attack by doing this? Dr. Paul Saladino  is literary turning the world of nutrition upside down and seem to question almost everything we have learned until today. He’s worldwide, one of the most wanted guest for health-related podcasts and shows. And now he is with us on the Bio360 podcast and I’m going to pick his brain about the carnivore diet and we’re hopefully going to go beyond previously asked question about the carnivore diet, plants and nutrition.

  • What is a carnivore diet?
  • There’s are least a half dozen diets that claim to be ancestral. What did humans eat over the last 2 million years?
  • Eating meat, especially red meat got a very bad reputation in the last decades. Why did that happen and what are the arguments against it.
  • Lets talk animals:
    • Which nutrients do we find in animals? How is the bioavailability? Which forms of Vitamins do we find in animals vs. plants?
    • Why nose to tail?
    • Do we need fiber to poop?
    • How much fat should we eat and how can we get it. How do you get it?
    • What about rendered fat?
  • How much protein is good for us?
    • Protein activates mTor. Should we be concerned about that?
    • What about ammonia? Isn’t it going through the roof? Isn’t it hard on the liver and kidneys? Doesn’t it disrupt sleep quality? What are the potential (negative) effects of the fermentation of protein? How is protein digested?
    • How much protein do we need, how much is too much?
  • Lets talk plants
    • How healthy are plants (leafy greens, organic vegetables, tuberous, condiments)
    • What are plant toxins and how harmful are they? (oxalates, phytic acid, alkaloids ect.)
    • What about the much-praised phytonutrients? Do we need them or are they even beneficial?
    • What about the bioavailability of the nutrients in plants (b-vitamins, minerals, Vit. K, Omega 3)
    • Do plants always have a price to pay? Is that a real problem or should we simply vary our plant based diet as much as possible as nature suggests with seasons and a nomadic lifestyle?
  • You focus a lot on micronutrients in the animal like vitamins and minerals. What about biophotons. Others would argue, that we eat light through fresh plants and that dead animals are indeed dead food.
  • What’s the role of the microbiome? Aren´t they microbes creating the nutrients out of fiber and starches, that you say are lacking in the plants?
  • Steven Gundry talks a lot about a bacterial species named Akkermansia. We are supposed to feed this species with a lot of fiber. What do you think about that?
  • Do you see any value in medicinal mushrooms? I know they are not plants. They are loaded with chemical compounds eg. Polysaccharides, like beta D- glucan, Triterpenes, alkaloids. Didn’t we always use them, like Paul Stamets claims?
  • How can something like the Hippocrates Institute be so successful over 40 years, giving plant toxins in huge quantities to the people. Brian Clements heavily promotes wheat grass, when Steven Gundry calls wheatgrass one of the most toxic foods among goji berries and soy on the face of the planet.
  • Is eating high on the food chain still possible in our toxic environment? What about accumulation of toxins in animals and fish?
  • Aren’t plants hormetic stressors, that help gene expression for reducing inflammation, longevity and so forth? Just like heat, cold, exercise and fasting? Do our cells need to be stressed mildly to function well?
  • Do you see a need for silicium from nettles and horsetail? Do animal products contain silicium?
  • What about the medicinal use of plants?
  • Is a life without garlic really diserable? What about Coffee?
  • Most important question: Is chocolate toxic?
  • Where can we find you?

The carnivore code
Paul Saladinos amzing books, reveals why and how healthy a animal based diet can be.

Preorder now!!!

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Weiterführende Links:

Pauls Website


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Autism and glyphosate

Autism and glyphosate

Autism is on the rise and its origins are widely unknown. Yet my todays guest, simply doesn’t think so.
Dr. Stephanie Sennef is a senior research scientist at MIT, has a bachelor in biophysics, a masters degree in electrical engineering and a doctoral degree in computer science.


  • Introduce yourself
  • What is autism?
  • A few years ago, you have made some terrible predictions about the statistical development of autism in our society? What were these and are they still valid?
  • Were the statistics always done the same way or are we including more diseases into the autism spectrum like the Asperger syndrome, which then leads to an increase in cases? In other words: Do people fall under the autistic spectrum, that weren’t in the 60thies?
  • What’s the role of genetics?
  • What is the role of vaccines?
  • How did you discover the role of Glyphosate (GPS) in autism?
  • What is GPS?
  • GPS kills every plant. what are GPS resistant crops?
  • I eat organic or better since 2014, yet I’m high in GPS. How is that possible?
  • What kind of levels do we see in breast milk e.g.?
  • Which are the biggest sources of exposure?
  • What is the mechanism of GPS? How does it affect the body?
  • Can you explain the shikimate pathway? What does GPS to it?
  • Is glyphosate a real analogue to glycine?
  • How does GPS trigger food sensitivities?
  • Does GPS deliver aluminum to the brain and the pineal gland? which role does pH play?
  • How does GPS affect the pollinators like the bees?
  • Which organs are getting affected by GPS?
  • How does it affect the mitochondria?
  • What does GPS to the gut microbiome?
  • Which detox enzymes are affected in the liver?
  • Some famous people in Germany say, glyphosate doesn’t do anything, but it’s the stuff they mix it with, like arsenic that cause the toxic effect. What do you think about that?
  • What are the epigenetic effects of glyphosate?
  • Are there any other contributing factors to the rise of autism?
  • How does GPS connect to other factors?
  • Measles vaccines contain GPS?
  • How does GPS affect melatonin, serotonin, dopamine and sleep?
  • Any connection to Alzheimer and cancer?
  • I have heard you talk about a special protein called AID. Could you expand on this and its relation to GPS?
  • Is there any synergy happening between GPS and other substances?
  • What is BASF’s Liberty Link (developed by BAYER)?
  • With the Montsanto/Bayer deal, what is going on behind the scenes?
  • Is there any hope?
  • Will our economy collapse?
  • How can we detoxify GPS?
  • How can we protect us even further?
  • Russia is going to go all organic. Is that the place to move to? Siberia?
  • Are we completely nuts as a species?  Are humans the virus infection of the planet?
  • Personal question: Why not supplementing Vitamin D?
  • Where can we find you?


Weiterführende Links:

Website Stephanie Sennef

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Podcast-Folgen 179, 180  zum Thema The Fourth Phase of Water




In this episode, we are going to explore my favorite topic water, once again. We are going to shed some light, pun intended, on how light interacts with water. Prof. Roumiana Tsenkova has developed a method to measure disease through the spectrum of infrared light, that is partially absorbed by the water in our bodies.
She is a world leading water scientist and a Phd in engineering.

  • How would you describe your work in a nutshell?
  • Can you define the term quality, when it comes to water?
  • How does water interact with light?
  • Does a different light spectrum effect water differently?
  • Does water only absorb or also reflect/emit light?
  • What can we learn about the light that is reflected/absorbed?
  • Whats the interaction between water and silicon?
  • Whats is information when it comes to water?
  • How do waters differ in the body?
  • How can our waters be disturbed?
  • How can we improve the water we are?
  • How can you measure coherence in water and diagnose health conditions?
  • Can we also treat the disease from there?
  • Could you measure a contamination with heavy metals in the body with your method?
  • Whats the interaction between water and the microbiome?
  • Are light and water epigenetic factors and thus, do they have an effect on our DNA?
  • Tell me about the relationship between sound, infrared light and what are its overtones?
  • What does move your heart right now?
  • Where can we find you?

Weiterführende Links:

Website Prof. Roumiana Tsenkova

Diese Episoden könnten dich auch interessieren:

Podcast-Folgen 179, 180  zum 4 Phase of Water


ᐅ The heart is not a pump – Dr. Thomas Cowen

ᐅ The heart is not a pump – Dr. Thomas Cowen

Modern medicine sees the heart merely as an organ for pumping the blood through the body.


My guest on this episode Dr. Thomas Cowen believes that the heart has a much bigger role for our organism. How does he come to this conclusion? What does it mean for the understanding of the heart and us humans?


In this episode I am going to discuss this topic in depth with Dr. Thomas Cowen. Besides of an MD he is a practitioner of various healing techniques and also passionate about the roots of our human existence. He wrote several books about the human body, the heart, vaccines and other health topics.




Part 1


  • How Dr. Cowen became interested in the human body and the heart
  • Wilfried Hacheney’s and Rudolf Steiner’s discoveries about the human heart
  • Dr. Cowen’s main explanation why the heart can’t be a pump
  • Three reasons why existing theories about the function of the heart are physically impossible
  • Why heart failures can be treated successfully with his approach
  • Is there any scientific evidence that the heart is a pump?
  • The seven-sided platonic form of the heart by Frank Chester
  • Why the heart actually doesn’t require much energy for pumping blood
  • Why does the heart beat?
  • The vortex structure of the heart



Part 2

  • How the heart organizes chaotic structures in life
  • What makes the blood move in the capillaries?
  • Cases of heart transplants which caused a personality change
  • Why we should trust more in our intuition
  • Why do we have iron in our blood?
  • The electromagnetic field of our heart
  • It’s not the brain which is thinking
  • The brain as a storage device and sensory antenna
  • The alchemistical context of sun, gold and the heart



Part 3


  • The heart as an neuroendocrine organ for perception, love and acceptance
  • How monoatomic forms can be measured?
  • The alchemist’s quest for immortality
  • Levitation and gold
  • The connotation of the heart and the fist
  • What makes an artificial heart different?
  • Dr. Cowen’s passion about growing food